Having spent years playing with Lego when it was socially acceptable to do so.
It is once again becoming more acceptable as an AFoL to ‘play’ again.
Where do I start? As a father of 4 boys, there has never really been a total lack of Lego in my life, but now they are all of an age they no longer need their fathers help.
Now how do I get my Lego fix?
I could no longer ‘help’ the kids build their models, there was only one thing for it, I had to buy my own!
Having won a voucher at work that Toys’r’us accepted (rest in peace you warehouse of joy). I skipped out to spend it without my wife getting annoyed or the kids getting upset.
After a lot of deliberating, I left with Poe’s X-Wing (Check it out on Bricklink here) and a couple of smaller sets for the kids and jumped in the car home.
As all Lego should be, I opened the box as soon as I got home and built it there and then. 1-2 hours, 5 bags of lego later and a rather thick instruction booklet the below was built.
The intricacies make it. The firing weapons (that inevitably get lost but can be replaced by a quick eBay search). The 3 well designed mini figures in addition to the droid. They even include a knob at the top to open the wings. All of this add ‘playability’ to the already beautiful set.
Since that day I have purchased many other sets (much to the dismay of my wife) and some ‘mixed bags’ from eBay.
The love for Lego in the house is still alive, moreso with me than the kids, but alive all the same.
The question now is, what to buy next?